Nar customers gain bonuses on the occasion of the Day of Azerbaijani Language and Alphabet
Keeping the national values under a constant spotlight, Nar has provided the subscribers with possibility to gain 1 GB of internet bonus on the occasion of the Day of Azerbaijani Language and Alphabet. By participating in the contest, held over the internet, Nar subscribers will be able to test their mother tongue skills and even win internet bonuses from Nar.
It is not necessary to be a Nar subscriber to participate in this contest, conducted via the social network pages of Nar. The contest is open for everyone. However, if the winner is a Nar subscriber, he/she will get 1 GB (first 20 winners) or 100 MB (the subsequent winners) as a present. To receive the bonuses, the participants should enter their Nar number at the end of the contest. The contest will end on 2nd of August. Click here to take part in the contest.
Note that Nar has also created a resource for Azerbaijani fairytales for children. A total of 60 national fairytales in audio format were recorded and placed on YouTube platform and also recorded to CDs. This resource, created on the occasion of the International Children’s Day was very gratefully received, especially by the parents.
For the first time, Azerbaijan has switched to Latin alphabet in 1929, and then in 1940 was replaced with the Cyrillic alphabet. After the restoration of national independence in 1992, the law on usage of Latin alphabet has been passed. The Day of Azerbaijani Language and Alphabet was established in 2001.