People with communication disability from regions were awarded with certificates for participation in the “Training School” project
The “Training School” Project, implemented by Nar in the country’s regions, was organized to facilitate integration of young people with disability to the society. This project which was launched in Zaqatala on 26.08.2017, was conducted with participation of experienced specialists and a professional psychologist. In the course of two weeks, the participants have attended trainings on smartphone repair, tailoring and cooking. The project, being the first ever such an initiative held in the country’s regions, was supported by the local executive power authorities, as well as the regional center of the State Committee on Family, Women and Children’s problems.
The next stage of the “Training School” project was launched in Goygol region on 13.10.2017. The second stage of the project lasted for two weeks, and during this period, young persons with communication disability have attended psychological trainings, along with professional courses on smartphone repair, tailoring and hairdressing.
All participants of the projects were awarded with the certificates on successful completion of the courses. There is no doubt that this success will contribute to solving the employment problem of people with communication disability.
It should be noted that the first “Training School” held in Baku and covered the participation of over 75 students. The main goal of this project, implemented on voluntary basis by the initiative of Nar, is to increase the level of knowledge and skills of persons with special needs and physical disabilities, contribute to their future careers and ensure their integration to the society by providing a moral support. To this end, the project is implemented with support of the “Uğur Akademiyası” (lit. “Success Academy”).
For more than 3 years now, Nar has been taking various steps aimed at emancipation of people with disability of Azerbaijan, within the frames of the operator’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. Setting a good example for the local business community, Nar is currently employing people with disability. Nar will continue to expand the implementation of social projects and support the similar initiatives in the future.
Visit for more detailed information about the CSR strategy of Nar.