The winners of the latest ‘Watch Brain Ring, Win a Gift from Nar’ contest have been awarded
This year, there are 34 teams, representing 17 regions of the republic and 10 higher schools, competing in this intellectual contest. For the TV viewers who love such kind of competitions there is also special contest during the TV broadcast. They can answer the question of the host through their Twitter account and win 4G modem and a month-long high speed Internet bundle from Nar. Fort his, Twritter users have to answer correctly to the question with the tag @salamnar as quick as possible.
In June, too, the questions were not gone without the answers. Here are the winners of June: Rahila Karimzadeh (@K_Rahile), Sakhavat Eyvazov (@Saxaveteyvaz), Elshan Vahidoglu (@Vahidoglu84), Emil Guliyev (@EmilioGooliyeff).
To further enhance viewers' interest in the competition, the online contest organized by Brain Ring and Nar, is held through the questions given by the announcer. Thus, in addition to watch this intellectual competition, Brain Ring fans get an opportunity to win prizes from Nar.
For further information about the competition and Nar’s services, you can always write to Nar’s Twitter account @salam_nar