Nar is contributing to advancing sign language in the country
In the prospect of making communication more accessible to all, Nar expresses its continuous support for September 23, the International Day of Sign Languages celebrated by the UN. Thus, realizing the importance of emancipation of people with hearing and speech disability, the mobile operator is implementing a vital social project within its CSR strategy's framework by. The website within the "Native Sign Language" project, one of the winners of the "Social Projects" competition announced by the "Regional Development" Public Union (RDPU) was launched with the financial support of "Nar".
The digital dictionary which contains the translation of about 3000 words into sign language, as well as illustrative images and videos of more than 2100 words, is an invaluable resource for people with hearing and speech disabilities and their relatives, as well as those working with this group of people. The mobile-optimized dictionary which is in Azerbaijani and Russian languages is open to all.
For detailed information about the project please watch the video.
More to the point, the mobile operator has been implementing the “Training school” project since 2016 which aims to support people with hearing impairments in gaining new skills and integrating to the society in the capital and regions of the country. Within the framework of ‘Training School’, which is one of the ongoing projects, Nar organizes practical training and provides support to people with hearing and speech to find suitable jobs. More than 100 people have benefited from the training so far.