Nar extends 4.5G base stations by 60% in number
Aimed at providing its customers with high quality network, Nar presented its report about the actions taken towards expansion of the network in 2019. Thus, the mobile operator installed more than 1055 4G/4.5G LTE stations during last year. Which means that, now with a large network of 2779 4G/4.5G base stations, Nar achieved 60% increase in their number. The mobile operator introduced more than 230 3G network last year and currently 2854 3G technology base stations are successfully serving to the subscribers.
In 2019, Nar managed to extend of 4G/4.5G network by 245% in terms of geographical coverage, and 80% in terms of population coverage. Currently, the mobile operator continues high quality service to more than 2,3 million subscribers through its 8700+ base stations
Notably, Nar is keenly focused on providing high quality coverage in not only Baku and Absheron peninsula, but also various regions of Azerbaijan. Thus, the mobile operator accomplished the installation of LTE-A technology base stations in 54 regions if the country. 67% of 4Gusers are residing in Baku, while 33% of them are living in the regions.