84% of Nar Customers evaluate the Service with the highest scores
It is a part of Quality Measurement routine that customers contacting Nar Call Center are always being asked to take part in a brief survey of service quality at the end of their call. According to the latest results, 84% of respondents evaluated Nar customer service with the highest scores.
This high rate of satisfaction has been achieved due to the improvement of quality of the customer service and fast application of innovative solutions. Nar customers may get high quality service of customer care in any convenient for them way - by calling to Call Center, sending e-mail or SMS, or using e-Care. Importantly, Nar is the only mobile operator which provides full customer care support through social media channels.
All the services, which provided by Nar’s Call Center, are equally provided through Nar’s social media channels. For this purpose, Nar dedicated a special social media team whose mission is to support Nar customers through social media and provide them with the full-range high-quality customer care services online. As a result, according to the research of leading social media marketing company “socialbakers.com”, during the last 90 days Nar has been recognized as a fastest operator in Azerbaijan in responding to customers’ inquiries. Nar customers can always take advantage of customer service through accessing e-Care system in nar.az, or simply writing to Nar via social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter etc.