Nar subscribers can extend ‘Asan Imza’ service via SMS
To perform the operation, subscribers need to text relevant keyword to 8500. However, along with extension of ‘Asan Imza’ service via SMS, the user has to prolong ‘Asan Imza’ certificate for next 3 years 30 days before its expiration on the taxpayer's single Internet portal Hence, after the expiration of the certificate, it will not be possible to renew it online and the user will need to apply in person to the Asan Certificate Services Center under the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
To get information about the validity period of ‘Asan Imza’, you need to text ‘status’ to short number 8500.
In order to subscribe to ‘Asan Imza’ for the first time, you can apply to Nar Service Center, make the required payment and enjoy the service for a period of 3 years. Subscribers who have canceled the ‘Asan Imza’ service for any reason (including the termination of the relationship with the relevant number, as well as the re-use of the number by the same or another subscriber), will not be able to activate ‘Asan Imz’a for the next period using SMS service.
For more information about the service, please go to and Subscribers who use ‘Asan Imza’ SIM card and mire in the expiration of ‘Asan Imza’ service on that card, may enjoy this service.