For users
Other Applications
- Bonuses are provided completely free of charge.
- To participate in the campaign, both numbers (e.g bonus sender’s and bonus recipient’s) must be active.
- One number can send a gift only once during the whole campaign.
- One number can receive an unlimited number of gifts.
- The campaign will be valid from 10.12.2022 – 12.12.2022*.
- Bonuses can be used within 5 days of receipt.
- If there are internet bonuses on the balance, the internet gift bonuses will be used first.
- The number should be dialed as shown below:
- (70/77/50/51/55/99) 70XXXXXXX
*The campaign has been extended until 16.12.2022.
To check the bonuses:
- Dial code *777#20#YES
- Go to Nar+ app
100 MB gift internet from Nar!
Don't wait for a special day to please your friend. Send 100 MB as a gift to any Nar subscriber!
Just dial the code *760#Number#YES or send the number of your friend to 760.