TV channels

Together with Nar Home you can watch totally 66 the most interesting channels in Azerbaijani, English, Turkish and Russian, on digital TV. 



Social Turkish Educational Mixed
Футбол  Киномикс Naxçıvan TV TRT Çocuk National Geographic Euronews
Футбол   Fox Life AzTV ATV Türk Animal Planet НТВ
Футбол 3  Киносемья İctimai Star TV NatGeoWild Россия 1
Наш футбол  Еврокино Lider TV TMB DTX Мир
Матч! Кинохит Kanal 35 Kanal 7 Discovery Science Мир 24
Eurosport 1  Мужское кино Space TV TRT 1 Охота и Рыбалка ТНТ
Боец Индия ТВ ARB Gunesh TV 8 Бобёр Первый канал
CBC Sport  TV 3 Azad Azərbaycan Kral Pop Discovery Channel Пятница!
Авто плюс  Киносвидание Xəzər TV Show TV Карусель Россия 24
TRT spor  КИНОПРЕМЬЕРА CBC Kanal D Моя планета РЕН ТВ
    Mədəniyyət TV   TRT Belgesel Звезда
    İdman Azərbaycan      
    Naxçıvan TV HD      
    ARB Ulduz      
Payment Methods

Payment can be made through the terminals MilliÖn, EasyPay located in the city, through the web sites (GoldenPay),,, in all branches of Xalq Bank as well as ATMs working on AzeriCard - electronic payment system.


Nar Home package includes both local and international TV channels. You need just a TV tuner in order to enjoy various interesting TV channels.
By subscribing to this service you are getting rid of complicated devices, difficult menu, search for the master and waste of time.



Tariff Monthly subscription fee
Standart 10 AZN


Special offer!

For all new subscribers a TV tuner is for free!

For detailed information please сall 0124440444 or 1827. Calls from Nar numbers are free of charge. Calls from the users of other operators and landline numbers will be charged due to tariff.


  • Campaign is active till 30.09.2018
  • The price of stand-alone Nar Home tuner is 25 AZN
  • The change of the tuner for current subscribers is free.

*Due to termination of agent contract between “Azerfon” LLC and “BBTV Communication” LLC  from 15.02.2020 all radio and tv services provided by “Azerfon” LLC as an agent  will be broadcast  directly by “BBTV Communication” LLC . Quantity of channels and price of package will not change.  You can proceed payment for BBTV service from below

indicated payment portals and terminals:

  •          MilliÖn