Additional information

Depending on payment and usage history, it is possible to get Nar Credit up to 10 AZN and 2 AZN of SOS Credit. By dialing *700#YES code you can get a maximum Nar Credit amount of 3 AZN. Only subscribers who have reached the maximum limit of Nar Credit can use the SOS Сredit service.

Available credit amounts, the service fees and activation codes are listed below: 

Credit Name Credit amount (AZN) Service fee (AZN) Code
Nar Credit 0.5 0.10 *700#05#YES
1.0 0.20 *700#01#YES
2.0 0.40 *700#02#YES
3.0 0.60 *700#03#YES
SOS Credit 1 0.40 *711#

VAT included

  • Nar Credit and SOS credit services are only available for prepaid subscribers in active status.

  • The total amount of credit debts will be deducted the next time a top-up is made.

  • Taking a credit does not prolong lifecycle of number.

  • Subscriber must be active at least 30 days in network and top up balance at least 1 time.

  • Subscribers can use Nar Credit service if they have topped up their balance by at least 1 AZN within 7 days after the activation of the number.

  • The fee for successful credit request for Nar Credit and SOS Credit services is 0.08 AZN

  • To check the actual Nar Credit debt, dial *700#150#YES, and for SOS Credit, dial *711#150#YES. The request is free of charge.

  • A fee of 0.08 AZN will be deducted from the balance for each successful credit request. If credit request is unsuccessful, the amount will not be deducted from the balance. In case there are enough funds on the balance, the cost of the successful request will be immediately deducted from the balance. If there are no sufficient funds on the balance and the credit request is completed successfully, the cost of all requests will be combined and deducted after the balance is topped up.

  • Kredit services are also available in roaming.

  • If you have sent credit request to your friend he should confirm it in 30 minutes.

To get credit:
  • To use Nar Credit and SOS Credit services, dial the request code corresponding to the above values.

    Dial *700#YES to get the maximum available Nar Credit.

    To get credit for friend dial *700*01*friend's number#YES

    If you want to send credit request to your friend, dial *700*1*friend’s number#YES

  • Credit can be taken and paid via Nar+ app
